duminică, 20 mai 2018

'hope i don't get in trouble for overquoting.


the urchin and the shoemaker, in Sanderson's WoR, Interlude 2.

"You're really gonna give me a pair of shoes", the urchin said, "For nothin'?"

"Nothing but your story"


"Because," Ym said, you and I are One."
"One what?"
"One being", Ym said.

"Long ago, there was only One. One knew everything but had experienced nothing. And so, One became many - us, people. The One, who is both male and female, did so to experience all things."
"One. You mean God?"
"If you wish to say it that way", Ym said. "But it is not completely true. I accept no god. You should accept no god. [..] Accept no priest either. Those are from other lands, come to preach to us. (We) need no preaching, just experience. As each experience is different, it brings completeness. Eventually, all will be gathered back in, and we will once again become One.
"So you an' me..." the urchin said. "Are the same?"
"Yes. Two minds of  a single being experiencing different lives."
"That's stupid."
"It is simply a matter of perspective."[...]
"Perspective.  From very close up, the fingers on a hand might seem individual and alone. Indeed, the thumb might think it has very little in common with the pinky. But with proper perspective, it is realised that the fingers are part of something much larger. That, indeed, they are One."
The urchin frowned. Some of that had probably been beyond him. I need to speak more simply, and -
"Why do you get to be the finger with the expensive ring," the boy said, pacing back the other direction, "while I gotta be the pinky with the broken fingernail?"
Ym smiled. "I know it sounds unfair, but there can be no unfairness, as we are all the same in the end. Besides, I didn't always have this shop."[...]

"The things you're talking about," the boy said. "They sound dumb to me. I mean, if we're all the same person, shouldn't everyone know this already?"
"As one, we knew the truth," Ym said, "but as many, we need ignorance. We exist in variety to experience all kinds of thought. That means some of us must know and others must not - just like some must be righ, and others must be poor"[...] 

"Your life must be unpleasant-" Ym began.
"All right. Downright awful. But it will get better, young one. I promise it."
"I thought," the boy said, stamping his good foot to test the shoes, "that you were gonna tell me that life is awful, but it all don't matter in the end, 'cuz we're going the same place."
"That's true," Ym said,"but isn't very comforting right now, is it?"
Ym turned back to his worktable. "Try not to walk on that wounded foot too much, if you can help it."
The urchin strode to the door with a sudden urgency, as if eager to get away before Ym changed his mind and took back the shoes. He did stop at the doorway, though.
"If we're all just the same person trying out different lives," the boy said, "you don't need to give away shoes. 'Cuz it don't matter."
"You wouldn't hit yourself in the face, would you? If I make your life better, I make my own better."
"That's crazy talk", the boy said." I think you're just a nice person." He ducked out, not speaking another word.

Si nuj, frăți,pen'ca nu-i ce as zice eu. Pen'ca chair cred, pe bune , cred, ca s-o murit pentru mine, si ca din cauza asta pot sa dorm mai bine noaptea, si sa ma iert, sa ma ridic, si sa merg mai departe de fiecare data cand o joc suboptim, sau prost, sau ingrozitor de prost.

si asta nu-i adevarul meu,
da' cred ca,
asa fictiune cum e,
este niste adevar.

si ca adevarurile noastre toate sunt parte dintr-un adevar imens pe care nu-l vedem.

ceea ce incerc sa zic este ca...
nuj, ultimu' album a lu' frank turner, pe bune.

se vorbeste atat de mult in lumea spiritual proactiva despre a ierta la persoana a treia, dar,

pe bune,
iarta persoana-ntaia.

grr, need to switch to english because it makes more sense in my head.

i mean,
you wouldn't say the words you say to yourself to a good friend.
you wouldn't say them to a child.
you wouldn't say those words to someone and expect them to get better
love yourself a lil' bit, will ya?

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