(cu sunetu' mintii mele țipânde pe fundal)
"God is AT LEAST the natural forces that created and sustain the Universe as experienced via a psychosocial construct rooted in evolved neurologic features in humans. EVEN IF that is a comprehensive definition for God, the pursuit of this personal, subjective experience can provide meaning, peace and empathy for others and is warranted.
Prayer is AT LEAST a form of mediation that encourages the development of healthy brain tissue, lowers stress and can connect us to God. EVEN IF that is a comprehensive definition of prayer, the health and psychological benefits of prayer justify the discipline.
The Bible is AT LEAST a set of writings where a people group describes their experience with and understanding of God over thousands of years. EVN IF that is a comprehensive definition of God, study of scripture is warranted to understand our culture and the way in which people come to know God.
Jesus is AT LEAST the idea of a man so connected to God that he was called the Son of God and the largest religious movement in human history is centered around his teachings; he was very likely a real person. EVEN IF this is all Jesus is, following his teachings can promote peace, empathy, and genuine morality."
Zis de Michael Chargue, intr-un podcast cumva crestin.
Atat cred ca nu-i contestabill. Atat cred ca nu mi se poate contesta. Atat s-ar putea sa fie un punct de pornire. Nuj incotro d-aici, da' vreau sa recitesc si sa constientizez si sa ma reasigur ca nu pot contesta chestiile astea.
pen'ca momentan nu le pot contesta.
momentan imi par k. momentan cre'ca m-ar putea ajuta.
panamea, nuj. inca nu-mi place fanbase-ul cu care am intrat in contact.
inca nuj daca pot sa-mi gasesc o nisa-n fanbase-ul ala.
da' si daca raman singur,
si daca raman cu credinta mea in capul meu,
ar putea fi k.
inca cred ca tot ce fac e k,
si ca muzica mea-i cea mai misto. si animeurile mele. si sa bei vin alb cu conversatii misto.
si cre'ca n-am niciun motiv sa renunt la nimic din ceea ce ma face pe mine,
pana la urma,
un om misto.
tot ce-ncerc,
si tot ce vreau,
e sa reunesc ceea ce simt tu ceea ce cred.
vreau sa stiu daca ceea ce simt e credibil,
pana mea,
sa justific cumva, sa aiba cumva sens ceva.
asta pare ca are sens.
argumentele par k, par verificabile, par luate din carti cu intentii bune.
"Please, let this work!"
- științologu' de pe Braxis Holdout.
"God is AT LEAST the natural forces that created and sustain the Universe as experienced via a psychosocial construct rooted in evolved neurologic features in humans. EVEN IF that is a comprehensive definition for God, the pursuit of this personal, subjective experience can provide meaning, peace and empathy for others and is warranted.
Prayer is AT LEAST a form of mediation that encourages the development of healthy brain tissue, lowers stress and can connect us to God. EVEN IF that is a comprehensive definition of prayer, the health and psychological benefits of prayer justify the discipline.
The Bible is AT LEAST a set of writings where a people group describes their experience with and understanding of God over thousands of years. EVN IF that is a comprehensive definition of God, study of scripture is warranted to understand our culture and the way in which people come to know God.
Jesus is AT LEAST the idea of a man so connected to God that he was called the Son of God and the largest religious movement in human history is centered around his teachings; he was very likely a real person. EVEN IF this is all Jesus is, following his teachings can promote peace, empathy, and genuine morality."
Zis de Michael Chargue, intr-un podcast cumva crestin.
Atat cred ca nu-i contestabill. Atat cred ca nu mi se poate contesta. Atat s-ar putea sa fie un punct de pornire. Nuj incotro d-aici, da' vreau sa recitesc si sa constientizez si sa ma reasigur ca nu pot contesta chestiile astea.
pen'ca momentan nu le pot contesta.
momentan imi par k. momentan cre'ca m-ar putea ajuta.
panamea, nuj. inca nu-mi place fanbase-ul cu care am intrat in contact.
inca nuj daca pot sa-mi gasesc o nisa-n fanbase-ul ala.
da' si daca raman singur,
si daca raman cu credinta mea in capul meu,
ar putea fi k.
inca cred ca tot ce fac e k,
si ca muzica mea-i cea mai misto. si animeurile mele. si sa bei vin alb cu conversatii misto.
si cre'ca n-am niciun motiv sa renunt la nimic din ceea ce ma face pe mine,
pana la urma,
un om misto.
tot ce-ncerc,
si tot ce vreau,
e sa reunesc ceea ce simt tu ceea ce cred.
vreau sa stiu daca ceea ce simt e credibil,
pana mea,
sa justific cumva, sa aiba cumva sens ceva.
asta pare ca are sens.
argumentele par k, par verificabile, par luate din carti cu intentii bune.
"Please, let this work!"
- științologu' de pe Braxis Holdout.