luni, 30 aprilie 2018

'cuz i don't have anymore.

comic cum draftu' ala revine in capu' listei de postari de fiecare data cand ma uit pe el, is curios daca si-a pierdut relevanța intre timp. nonethelesss,

dac-as fi gasit de lucru,
as fi zis
"macar am de lucru".

daca mi s-ar fi raspuns,
as fi zis
"macar mi-a raspuns"
(si-apoi as fi frecat-o maxim probabil, dar chiar si fara asta)

dac-as fi fost acceptat,
"macar am fost acceptat"

as fi idolatrizat.

toate macar-urile sunt ne-idolatrizabile.

si inca sper,
inca ma holbez la albastreaua aia si sper s-apara cifre. cu toate ca nu stiu dac-ar fi optim.

dincolo de astea,
in schimb,
 sunt lipsit de putere.

cred ca si dincoace de astea, btw.


 stiu ca-ncepe sa sune tot mai asa, si poate nu echilibrat de pe dincolo, dar... cred ca asa îi.

marți, 17 aprilie 2018


Eventually, Bast spoke up. “May I ask a question, Reshi?”
Kote smiled gently. “Always, Bast.”
“A troublesome question?”
“Those tend to be the only worthwhile kind.”
They remained staring at the object on the bar for another silent moment, as if trying to commit it to memory. Folly.
Bast struggled for a moment, opening his mouth, then closing it with a frustrated look, then repeating the process.
“Out with it,” Kote said finally.
“What were you thinking?” Bast said with an odd mixture of confusion and concern.
Kote was a long while in answering. “I tend to think too much, Bast. My greatest successes came from decisions I made when I stopped thinking and simply did what felt right. Even if there was no good explanation for what I did.” He smiled wistfully. “Even if there were very good reasons for me not to do what I did.”
Bast ran a hand along the side of his face. “So you’re trying to avoid second-guessing yourself?”
Kote hesitated. “You could say that,” he admitted.
“I could say that, Reshi,” Bast said smugly. “You, on the other hand, would complicate things needlessly.

From NotW ch. 3, to Bast (before Chronicler shows up), about hanging his sword above the bar. 

sâmbătă, 14 aprilie 2018

goodness' sake, it's happening, isn'it it?

vineri 13 vecinii urla unu' la altu' geamuri se sparg, democratia si prietenii ei bombardeaza siria ne-democratia si prietenii ei zic ca nu-i k

's curios daca-i devreme, tarziu, sau fix momentu' in care ar trebui sa-mi scot averea din banca si s-o iau de la capat fara nik intr-o tara care nu se baga-n conflicte internationale. sa-mi urle si-acolo vecinii "KURWA!" si sa-si sparga geamurile.

zic si eu.


interesant. cre'ca la astia am renuntat, macar partial, pen'ca nu-i placeau lu' Ancuța.

as in, nu ma plang, da' m-o lovit olea' paranoia.

ma-c sa ma culc, poate-mi trece.

tot am eu vorba aia, ca-s mai rau cand mi-s obosit decat cand mi-s beat.

duminică, 1 aprilie 2018


what a weird day it is. always is, sunday.

'right, here we go:

not for comfort,
but for safety.

and not acceptance,
but growth.

for as long as i am growing,
and as long as i don't break, i can hope,
one day,
to earn my comfort and acceptance.

for i believe that i am weak, and not worthy,
and not for lack of self-esteem,
but for confidence in how much stronger and worthy i could be.

so raise me up,
so i can raise You up.

by the Sacrifice that has been made,

i ask,
i pray,
i trust.