duminică, 29 martie 2020

i wanna remember this

so i'll throw some stuff at it in a random order

"got to keep moving,
connect with a loved one everyday
go for short walks
bake an insane amount of cookies
be present"


- Denisa.

- God can give amazing stuff (mountain people, sensational girl) but also just cool stuff you need (quietness, freedom to be yourself)

- the idea of analysing, of... descompunerea in factori primi ai actiunilor

sin: why 'you doing it, what part of it is sinful, need is triggering it; how to satisfy the identified need in a non-sinful way

- "I love you, brother. but I believe what you are doing is wrong. So I won't encourage you to do it, I won't help you do it if it's against my principles, but if you ever want to step away from it, I'll be here to help. If you don't, I still love you, and I'll still be here."

- the purpose of your actions; your goal, and how you can achieve it.

- winning the (video?) game: descompunerea  in factori primi ai tintei. when does winning the game prevent you from enjoying the game.

-> you can't brute force your way into heaven


5-8. connection. dependence. wishing and receiving.