luni, 27 aprilie 2020

'was in my comfort zone

'was singing selfish songs.


take me as I am, and make me as You will.

Kind regards,


miercuri, 1 aprilie 2020

nevoia de validare

'mi-as picioarele

-n ea nevoie de validare exterioara. externa. exterceva.

ian, ce jmek esti c-ai muncit si azi, ian
ai suportat si azi dezordinea din jur, ian
ce bine vorbesti,
 ce fain gandesti,
 ce misto ca te-ai trezit,



ce misto-ti camuflezi starea aia frecata de spirit,
ce bine ce te-ai prins c-o ascunzi si ca acum n-o mai ascunzi
si ce fain e ca desi nu esti ceea ce-mi doresc eu esti totusi misto,

e bine, ian.

'mi-as picioarele
mi-as freakin' picioarele.

and it's annoying,
that i can barely find the strength to be thankful.

but, for what it's worth, at least i spotted it. the need for external validation.

now i see it.
now i can work with it.

which does not mean
that 'mi-as picioarele ala se diminueaza,

it's like,

He has a plan.
short term, and long term.

so, yeah.

i am annoyed, but that's okay.  i'm often annoyed before doing good stuff.

'love you much, om. i love you as much as i love my neighbour
'promise i'm trying
'promise to be doing.

hai, hai ca poti.