sâmbătă, 27 februarie 2021

Sambata seara Mara

 In ucenicie cu nenea Solzaru.

Predica lui fr. Poenariu.

Despre lege. (?)

~Raspunsul lui Dumnezeu vine in urma cererii/strigatului. Rugaciune.

/Grr. Fakeness? 

1 Ioan 3:1+ See what great love the Father has lavished on is, that we should be his children. And that is what we are.

/Phi 2:13 4: Vointa si infaptuirea. Finishing the work He has started.

3 All who have this hope purify themselves

4 Everyone who sins breaks the law.

5 ...He appeared so that he might take away our sins...

6 No one who lives in Him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen Him or known Him.

/ Cum loveste asta... Once you see Him you cannot sin. 

Deut 9:10 ~if you do good, good stuff happens

11 "Now what I am commanding you today ia not too difficult for you or beyond your reach"

/... cum vine asta?

Romans 8

3: the law was powerless

/ In what way was the law actually powerless?

/ 4 legi aici, zice nenea Niță.

^in 90% din cazuri facem bine. Problema acatului este ca nu facem tot timpul binele.

^Binecuvantarea este implinirea legii. 

/~Do good stuff and good stuff happens.

~Legea lui Dumnezeu nu depaseste puterea noastra.(?) - Deut 9 11

^Sa nu iesi din casa pana nu il auzi pe Dumnezeu^

/Really need context for Deut 9 11.

/~ memorising Bible verses; singing; doing Christ-related stuff.

^Nu pacatuim pentru ca suntem slabi, ci pentru ca ne despartim de El. Nu facem bine pentru ca suntem puternici, ci pentru ca suntem in El.

vineri, 5 februarie 2021


 Check it —
Can I be real a second?
For just a millisecond?
Let down my guard and tell the people how I feel a second?
Now I'm the model of a modern major general
The venerated Virginian veteran whose men are all
Lining up to put me up on a pedestal

Every anxious thought that steals my breath
It's a heavy weight upon my chest
As I lie awake and wonder what the future will hold
Help me to remember that You're in control

I'm looking for a place
Where I can plant my faith
One thing I know for sure
I cannot create it
And I cannot sustain it
It's your love that's keeping me


 Nu stiu daca am auzit,

insa daca n-am auzit ar trebui spus, sau re-spus, sau...

faith is the opposite of fear.

'think i heard that fear is the opposite of love, that'd make some sort of sense too.

That's... what I think it is.

That's my self-diagnosis.

That's what I feel.

Si se izvbeste de mine-n valuri, ca valurile, ca toate valurile, ca multe valuri.

always has been.

And i've fought it before, by defying it.

Fuck your fear, zicea James Winter, de la Improv Soc.

'been doing that for a while, now and then. Streaks of fearlessness based on defying fear.

Public speaking, despite fear.

Getting into conversations with pretty girls on the bus,

or, asking girls out even. 'Guess 's how 've been able to get into relationships at times but not quite make them work.

Moving to a different country, or to a city i knew nothing and noone about.

'been there, done that.

Defied fear.