sâmbătă, 27 februarie 2021

Sambata seara Mara

 In ucenicie cu nenea Solzaru.

Predica lui fr. Poenariu.

Despre lege. (?)

~Raspunsul lui Dumnezeu vine in urma cererii/strigatului. Rugaciune.

/Grr. Fakeness? 

1 Ioan 3:1+ See what great love the Father has lavished on is, that we should be his children. And that is what we are.

/Phi 2:13 4: Vointa si infaptuirea. Finishing the work He has started.

3 All who have this hope purify themselves

4 Everyone who sins breaks the law.

5 ...He appeared so that he might take away our sins...

6 No one who lives in Him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen Him or known Him.

/ Cum loveste asta... Once you see Him you cannot sin. 

Deut 9:10 ~if you do good, good stuff happens

11 "Now what I am commanding you today ia not too difficult for you or beyond your reach"

/... cum vine asta?

Romans 8

3: the law was powerless

/ In what way was the law actually powerless?

/ 4 legi aici, zice nenea Niță.

^in 90% din cazuri facem bine. Problema acatului este ca nu facem tot timpul binele.

^Binecuvantarea este implinirea legii. 

/~Do good stuff and good stuff happens.

~Legea lui Dumnezeu nu depaseste puterea noastra.(?) - Deut 9 11

^Sa nu iesi din casa pana nu il auzi pe Dumnezeu^

/Really need context for Deut 9 11.

/~ memorising Bible verses; singing; doing Christ-related stuff.

^Nu pacatuim pentru ca suntem slabi, ci pentru ca ne despartim de El. Nu facem bine pentru ca suntem puternici, ci pentru ca suntem in El.

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